Saturday, June 03, 2006


Here are two drawings I did - on random pieces of cardboard I found at work. They were about to be thrown out, so I figured what the hell. These are digitally colored versions...I think I'm going to try to color them in pastel. I think the guy may be a character I'm going to work on...have some interesting plans for him.
Comments and crits appreciated - let me know what you think!



  1. cool stuff man, keep experimenting.

  2. great use of cardboard. : )

    good work.

  3. You are so talented!!! Your pictures look amazing!!!!

  4. The guy is cool.
    The girl's right side is too high and the length of her kneck to shoulder is too long. There's an abnormal bulge at her tummy and through her mid-section that you would notice if the shirt was full length...
