Scott Morse painting up a storm
Pixar's Jeff Pidgeon giving me some pointers
This was random: Matt Groening and I

Obligatory Princess Leia

and Ronnie Del Carmen (front)

Daily Show's Rob Corddry and I
At the con, I met a bunch of other amazing talents, unfortunately, I couldn't get pictures of them due to the copious amounts of people on the Saturday and Sunday. Everyone was super-nice and was more than willing to talk for a few minutes. Some of the other geniuses I met were (in no particular order):
Chris Sonnenburg, John Nevarez, Jose Lopez, Patrick Morgan, Nash Dunnigan, Michael Knapp, Dice Tsutsumi, George Broderick, Clay Katis, Dave Pimentel, Ovi Nedelcu, Kazu Kibuishi, Kean Soo, Courtney Huddleston, Mark Andrews, Ted Mathot, Bill Presing, Mike Mignola, Brian Wood, Sean Galloway, Dean Yeagle, Scott Tolleson, Gary Ham, Rodolphe Guenoden, Eren Blanquet and the Hard 8 gang, Michel Gagne, Mike Mattesi, Steven Silver, Joe Moshier, and a ton of others.
Chris Sonnenburg, John Nevarez, Jose Lopez, Patrick Morgan, Nash Dunnigan, Michael Knapp, Dice Tsutsumi, George Broderick, Clay Katis, Dave Pimentel, Ovi Nedelcu, Kazu Kibuishi, Kean Soo, Courtney Huddleston, Mark Andrews, Ted Mathot, Bill Presing, Mike Mignola, Brian Wood, Sean Galloway, Dean Yeagle, Scott Tolleson, Gary Ham, Rodolphe Guenoden, Eren Blanquet and the Hard 8 gang, Michel Gagne, Mike Mattesi, Steven Silver, Joe Moshier, and a ton of others.

The Back of the Animation Building.
From L to R: Glen Keane, Myself, Mark Kennedy, Mr. Fun and my dad.
About an hour after this, I was at Dreamworks visiting a friend and checking out the campus where I got to meet an amazing bunch of people including: Jenny Lerew, Jenn Hager, Dave Pimental, and of course, good ol' Jenn Kluska. After checking out dreamworks, I went to Disney Publishing and saw an original desk used by animation legend Floyd Gottfriedson and original model sheets from Fantasia by Freddie Moore of the Centaurettes. (For more on Freddie Moore, check out Jenny's blog, The Blackwing Diaries) And got to meet Ken Shue, the head of Disney Publishing. The day after Dreamworks and Disney, I headed over to Sony Pictures Animation to visit another friend. Where we ran into (completely by chance) another person who was touring the studio - Bill Nighy - the man who played Davy Jones in Pirates of the Carribean 2 this summer.
I saw a lot of stuff from the new movie(s) coming out...and that's all I'm gonna say. :P
I saw a lot of stuff from the new movie(s) coming out...and that's all I'm gonna say. :P
Real nice pics Randeep. glad you enjoyed yourself can't wait to see you use your new found knowledge to work throughout the group films u're sure to be an asset to anyones team..........which is why i will disassemble anyone who dares to try and take you away from me....MMMUUUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!...LOL
Gonna kiiiillll you.
glad you had a great trip.....A lifetime full of memories for you
Hey Randeep! Man, these are some sick photos. Looks like a wicked time. Great post. Cya soon.
wow NICE photos.
pretty slick man. Looks like you had quite the trip, to say the least. And soon, to top it off, back to good ol' oakville...! haha.
Yikes, the camera really does add 10 pounds.
Thanks for posting those, they are cool. Now photoshop me in with Princess Leia, will you? Just kidding.
Awsome Randeep! Glad you had a good time! Dont worry about Alan, he always wants everything. lol
Just...oh my GAWD...I'm so happy for you; this must have been an absolutely great experience!! Just wow...these are greatgreat pictures
*ahem* I'm OK now... ;)
Anyway, I wanted to let you know I changed my blog link from "purpleolive" to little-teacup.blogspot.com. So please update your links whenever you get a chance :)
Wow great pics Randeep! That looks like it was one hell of a trip! Jealously I know thy name.
I really enjoyed checkin out your stuff, will be sure to check back to see what ya post next!
wow!! these photos are wicked!! you got to meet glen keane and mark kennedy!!!
did you just go to the disney animation studio and ask for a tour or did you have inside connections to be able to see them?
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