Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sketchbook Dump: Subway & Starbucks

I finished off another sketchbook before I had time to scan in any of the drawings for a smaller update. Most of these drawings were done either at my local Starbucks or on the subway back and forth from Toronto. The monkeys however, were not on the subway or in the Starbucks, those were done in the zoo.
Lately, more so than before, I've been attempting to put more story into the sketches I do, as a result of a reminder from Kris. One of the funniest people I know and a super nice guy to boot. I've also been using the Signpen again a lot this summer after James told me about it two summers ago, it's almost like using a Sharpie, but with slightly more control. If you haven't seen James' work for some reason, head on over there right away, his stuff is fantastic and yet, somehow keeps getting better. His drawings have a great sense of story, design and shape/form - something I'm really striving to do myself.
In other news - Andrew Stanton has confirmed that he's writing the script for John Carter of Mars, an old sci-fi serial by Tarzan scribe Edgar Rice Burroughs. This could be awesome. Also, a few Dreamworks artists including David Pimentel, Ken Morrisey and Jenny Lerew are part of an anthology called Scrambled Ink published by Dark Horse, you can learn about it over at Jenny's blog.
AICN via The New York Licensing show has some sneak peeks at Dreamworks upcoming projects such as Monsters vs. Aliens and How to Train Your Dragon. The ultimate Wall-E Toy is now available.
Last but not least - the End Credits to Kung Fu Panda are available online on the website of the studio which animated them, Shine.

That's all for now, more later.


Matt said...

Lotta good stuff here. I like how you change up your style from page to page just to keep it fresh.

Sorry to hear about the passing of Sparky. I'm still convincing myself that my dog is gonna live forever. So, wish me luck with that. Cheers!

KP said...

Hey Randeep!
These are great! I love the subway sketches. My favorite is the chubby lady reading the book. You should try writing little stories for some of your favorite sketches...just a couplet or a poem. Look for the subtext (what does the character say, vs. what do they feel).
Hope you're having fun with all this!
Best wishes,

Jarrett said...

Fantastic personality and line! Yes! Call me.

rthompson said...

Hey Man, thanks for the comment! You've got some great stuff here, lots of life in your work. The subway is definitely one of my favorite spots to draw as well.

Mike Vatcher said...

quit drawing so much

Unknown said...

cool drawings! These are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

You are a good friend... geeess. And you're right, I havn't come by in a while. This stuff look cool man... and I know it not just about the pen. You're a great artist dude, with a keen eye, but with a keener drive, and that's what makes the difference.

You're awesome man! Keep up the good work!

p.s. it took me over 10 minutes to get to your blog, write a comment, and post it. I hope you appriciate this... stupid country dial-up land-line crap.

Seo Kim said...

Very nice drawings, lots of life!!

Jarrett said...

Randeep! I loved you film :) You should be VERY proud.

Unknown said...

Really sweet sketches Randeep! Great sense of personality.

Tim Bye said...

Really great sketches - super!

Kei Acedera said...

These are awesome Randeep! Very nice to see them--keep up the great work and i can't wait to see more.

Mel Maduro said...

Still cafe and subway sketching I see ... you're more dedicated than I am.

Martin Wittig said...

Wow! What a nice collection of sketches! You have been very busy my friend! Excellent work:)

Sarah Satrun said...

nice sketches! :)