Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So, 8 months of solid, hard work accumulated into 2 minutes worth of screen time, but the film is DONE. Now, working on portfolios and hoping I land a job on (or shortly before or after) the approaching industry day. I'll post more soon, but here are some screenshots.


sam said...

Hey dude, glad to hear it's all finished. Congrats. Can't wait to see it :)

jon crowley said...

i'm proud of you, you magnificent bastard.

now let's go party.

orange said...

randeep.good to see it's done..congratulations are in order !

Dan said...

well the screenshots look fab man, sweet colors. Post that film now.

Ugo Bienvenu said...

could you send me the mpeg or something to see the finaal thing?
"courrage" as we say in france for your book... tell me if you come in france for hollidays...
see you

lindsay said...

WHEEEE!! congrats! can't wait to see it... :)

Jarrett said...

Congrats, man! I can't wait to check out your film. Looks great:)! Let me know how things go!

victoriaying said...

Hawt, love the shape design of these

Jonathan Coit said...

Film was lovely. Saw your portfolio today while setting up for industry day, looked amazing, sir.

alexandre said...

Saw your film at family day and it was great Randeep!

Good luck in your future projects and all the best,
