Thursday, June 04, 2009

Bunch o' Nonsense

A weird little idea I'm toying around with - perhaps for a comic.

Here's some stuff from the last couple of weeks:

These were done (really quickly) at a new music night at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto. The band playing is The Superstitions. They were rather good.

I liked the attitudes of the characters on this page.

I was attempting to simplify with this page, I think I got something with
the girl on the top left.

Not too much to write - UP was awesome, want to congratulate my friends Vlad Kooperman and Guillaume Chartier, as well as Pete Docter, Ronnie, Nick and all who worked on it for an amazing job. Also, if you haven't seen the Beatles Rock Band debut trailer, I'm assuming directed by Pete Candeland and Designed by Robert Valley, check it out here. Lastly, I was reading the Walt Stanchfield book, and something jumped out at me, I'll leave you with this:

"Drawing for animation is translating and action...into drawing form so an audience can retranslate those drawings back into an experience of that action."
-Walt Stanchfield



Amanda said...

Nice quote 8)
faves from this post:
-girl on her own page
-woman eating something (apple or hamburger? :O)
-and girl with bike

These feel the strongest to me in terms of appeal and character 8) wicked!

nickwatson said...

nice stuff randeep

Tapan Gandhi said...

thanks for the inspiring quote!

and i would love to see more from the plebs.. looks inneresting

Joe Karg said...

Great name for the blog. Draw Draw Draw :)


Oscar Rosales said...

Nice characters and sketches!

Anonymous said...

I like the Plebs man!

Keelamari said...

Plebs: Whoaaa, new style!